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5th & 6th September 2024

JW Marriott

Resort & Spa | Gold Coast



Differentiating between hype and reality - how to focus on impactful change that technology can make within law firms 

The Annual Lawtech Summit is the networking and educational forum for many of the Top & Mid Tier Law firm’s CIO’s from across Australia & NZ.


As other events may come and go leaving a mere blot on the horizon and a distant memory, the Chilli IQ Lawtech Summit and Awards’ has consistently, over the last 18 years earned its title as the leading legal technology event of Australia.


Through progressive presentations and expert speakers, every year is a sturdy step towards pushing the benchmark to exceed


We are proud to be an integral part of this ever evolving community and continue to offer a stage for thought leaders and ground breakers for the legal technology field.

2024 Theme: Evolving legal service delivery:

making an impact through digital transformation

In the past year, significant changes have occurred with the rise of AI and generative AI, suggesting that we might be on the brink of the next major disruption or saviour. It is crucial to distinguish between hype and reality and concentrate on the meaningful changes that technology can bring to law firms.


How can we distinguish between the hype and the transformative impact of AI? Where do we, as individuals, stand in this evolving technological landscape? Are we optimizing services to the point of making our own roles redundant, or is AI merely enhancing and simplifying our tasks as the creators claim?


We are stepping into an uncharted territory, and it is crucial to reflect on the effects on our practices, our clients, and ourselves.


The Lawtech Summit, in its eighteenth year, has served as a vital platform for addressing significant issues, like these, concerning law firms and technology since 2006.

The upcoming program will delve not only into the progress of AI but also explore other crucial areas such as cybersecurity, data compliance, and the digital transformation of law firms along with its implications.


The Lawtech Summit serves as a hub for learning and uniting the legal tech community, fostering the exchange of stories and experiences, and facilitating connections annually.

  • Generative AI - where are now and where are we heading

  • Security & Compliance, Data, and Operational Excellence.

  • Application of Technology - Exploring how technology is disrupting and transforming law firms.

  • Artificial Intelligence - AI's role in legal research, case prediction, automation and more

  • Cybersecurity and Data Protection: Impact to in-house Technology teams and the legal implications of data breaches and cyber threats.

  • Digital Transformation in Law - Discussing the impact on law firms and legal departments.

  • Client impact: stories from clients on impactful initiatives,

  • Practice impact: stories from law firms on technology, process or approach that has made an impact

  • Personal impact: how can we ourselves be at our best and make an impact

  • Digital Literacy: Case studies on how firms are developing the digital literacy skills of their people

  • The future of eDiscovery in the age of AI

  • Legal Operations: Key priorities for in-house legal functions

  • Data governance optimising your data as a foundation for AI enablement


This event has been exclusively produced to address the function and capacity of the following position from the legal profession - law firms, legal counsel and the corporate sector:

• CIO’s , COO’s , CISO’s

• IT Directors

• CFO’s & Finance Directors

• Head of Knowledgle Management

• Legal Partners - IT Area, Litigation

• Risk Managers

• Head of IT Security

• All those who have a role in the technology side of a law firm or legal department



5th September  2024

JW Marriott

Gold Coast - Awards Dinner

The Lawtech Awards are a unique, peer driven opportunity to acknowledge the movers and shakers of the Legal IT industry.  The Lawtech Awards have always been part of the Lawtech Summit and here at Chilli IQ we thought it was finally time to reunite them.

They have consistently grown in prominence amongst the legal IT community as they recognise innovation and performance for new and existing IT projects, teams and individuals 

The awards offer a great place for promotion and recognition of individual achievements in the industry. 



Platinum Partner

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Gold Partners

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Sapphire Partners

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Silver Partners

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Bronze Partners

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Supporting Organisation 

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The Lawtech Summit is being held at the JW Marriott, Gold Coast. Ideally situated just minutes from Surfers Paradise Beach on Australia's famed and pristine Gold Coast.  Lawtech delegates have access to accommodation at discounted rates with the Sheraton.  Click the link to book directly with the Sheraton at a discounted rate of $335 per night (including breakfast)




2023  Theme: Securing the Legal Future:  THE IMPORTANCE OF DATA - Navigating Cyber Threats  - Generative AI - CRISIS MANAGEMENT - & MORE


The Lawtech Summit, now in its seventeenth year has been the platform for discussion on major topics that affect law firms and technology since 2006. In this year's programme there are two major topics of importance that will influence the future of law firms: Generative AI and Cyber security.

It is no doubt that AI is a gamechanger and will have a transformational impact on professional services. To follow its progress and development is vital.



The 17th Lawtech Summit had some exceptional speakers, both national and international covering topics relevant to the theme of the event and addressing the most current issues in the spectacular surrounds of the Sheraton Mirage Gold Coast



The Lawtech Alliance was established to unite the legal IT community, offering peer support and the opportunity to network and learn from each other and from the expert panel of speakers invited each year to present at the Lawtech Summit. After over a decade of building the Lawtech community we at Chilli IQ are thrilled to see how it has evolved into Australia's leading peer networking organisation for the Australian legal landscape. 



  • Subscription to the quarterly online newsletter 'Chilli Byte' - with the ability to provide content, updates, new projects, and events.

  • Attendance to the bi-annual Networking Drinks - Sydney and Melbourne

  • Connect with legal industry vendors. Introductions to vendors, new technologies and the latest in Legal IT solutions.



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